Inspections are required with the sale of any property in the Rochester Borough.
- -Cost: $75.00
- -Payment to:
- PO BOX 563
- Rochester PA 15074
Please make sure to include:
-Address of property we're inspecting
-Address to send approval letter
-Phone number to reach you if there are any questions or if downspouts need disconnected
We inspect the property as soon as we receive the check, usually 2-3 days after you send it . If you have any questions feel free to call and leave a message and we will get back to you the following business day.
Effective February 1, 2024, the current sewer rate will increase from $ 57.50 to $73.00 for the first 10,000 gallons used per quarter. Each additional 1,000 gallons used above 10,000 gallons will be added at a cost of $5.10, an increase from $4.10, per 1,000 gallons used. The last rate increase took place in 2013. All funds collected for the Rochester Borough Sewer and Maintenance Authority will be used for the project and operations of the authority. You are also charged for the sewer plant, which is operated by the Rochester Area Joint Sewer Authority, which is a combined bill.
Rochester Borough Sewer and Maintenance Authority's purpose is to maintain and upgrade the combined, sanitary, and storm sewer system with in the Borough of Rochester boundaries. The sewage is then conveyed to the Rochester Area Joint Sewer Authority sewer plant for treatment and discharged under the Clean Water Act. This is why you will have two charges on the same customer bill.
The sewer system in the borough is a very old and complex system, and is part of the Rochester Area Joint Sewer Authority, which includes Rochester Borough, Rochester Township, East Rochester, and Freedom. Each area is contributing toward the cost. The entire Rochester Area Joint Sewer Authority service area is under a court Consent Order to comply with the Clean Water Act. This authority and the other communities have no choice except to comply by the mandated dates required for completion of the consent order, which included several multi-million dollar construction projects in both the sewer system and sewage treatment plant.
Under the publications section, you will find the complete LTCP - Long Term Control Plan, that must be completed. A detailed report is available to the public to download and read. The authority encourages that each ratepayer read the entire report, to better understand why the Rochester and Freedom area sewer communities must comply with the court consent order.
Fees are also used to comply with the Authority’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. You can find more information under the MS4 section.
Leaf pickup begins at the end of October and ends early in December of each year. leaves will be picked up on regular street sweeping day as posted. Leaves will not be picked up if left in alleys. They should be raked into the street and place in a pile to be picked up. Do not bag leaves. No tree branches, garden waste or other vegetation will be picked up. If your house is not on a scheduled sweeping day or in an alley, please call Sewer Authority to find out where you can place your leaves.
Street Sweeping begins in early April and ends in late November of each year. Watch the big sign in front of Borough for exact dates. Grass clippings and other vegetation are not permitted to be placed, raked, or blown onto the street because of the damage it may cause to street sweeping equipment. Any questions regarding street sweeping please call 724-815-9298.
The RBSMA authority meetings are scheduled on the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm. The authority meets 201 Water St. Beginning April 9th. It will be in Sewer Authority's new office and garage building.